Array ( [subcategories] => Array ( ) [siblings] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [category_id] => 1 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/1 [category] => ΑΝΔΡΙΚΑ [position] => 10 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => andrika [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [has_children] => 502 [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 1585381 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 516672 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 1 [object_type] => category [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 1 [object_type] => category [type] => M [image_path] =>αντρικο_1920x735_.jpg [alt] => [image_x] => 1920 [image_y] => 735 [http_image_path] =>αντρικο_1920x735_.jpg [https_image_path] =>αντρικο_1920x735_.jpg [absolute_path] => /home/csfais/public_html/images/detailed/516/αντρικο_1920x735_.jpg [relative_path] => detailed/516/αντρικο_1920x735_.jpg [is_high_res] => ) ) [product_count] => 15 ) [62] => Array ( [category_id] => 62 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/62 [category] => ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΙΑ [position] => 20 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => gynaikeia [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [has_children] => 508 [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 8329611 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 1758908 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 62 [object_type] => category [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 62 [object_type] => category [type] => M [image_path] =>γυναικειο_1920x735_.jpg [alt] => [image_x] => 1920 [image_y] => 735 [http_image_path] =>γυναικειο_1920x735_.jpg [https_image_path] =>γυναικειο_1920x735_.jpg [absolute_path] => /home/csfais/public_html/images/detailed/1758/γυναικειο_1920x735_.jpg [relative_path] => detailed/1758/γυναικειο_1920x735_.jpg [is_high_res] => ) ) [product_count] => 57 ) [116] => Array ( [category_id] => 116 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/116 [category] => ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ [position] => 40 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => paidika [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [has_children] => 119 [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 8329612 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 1758909 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 116 [object_type] => category [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 116 [object_type] => category [type] => M [image_path] =>παιδικο_1920x735_.jpg [alt] => [image_x] => 1920 [image_y] => 735 [http_image_path] =>παιδικο_1920x735_.jpg [https_image_path] =>παιδικο_1920x735_.jpg [absolute_path] => /home/csfais/public_html/images/detailed/1758/παιδικο_1920x735_.jpg [relative_path] => detailed/1758/παιδικο_1920x735_.jpg [is_high_res] => ) ) [product_count] => 3 ) [145] => Array ( [category_id] => 145 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/145 [category] => UNISEX [position] => 50 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => unisex [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [has_children] => 147 ) [611] => Array ( [category_id] => 611 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/611 [category] => Easter-gifts [position] => 60 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => easter-gifts [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 141 ) [646] => Array ( [category_id] => 646 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/646 [category] => fenty-23 [position] => 80 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => fenty-23 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 14 ) [664] => Array ( [category_id] => 664 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/664 [category] => Autumn essentials [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => autumn-essentials [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 5336 ) [677] => Array ( [category_id] => 677 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/677 [category] => BASKET [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => basket [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 304 ) [658] => Array ( [category_id] => 658 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/658 [category] => Carrots [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => carrots [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 46 ) [633] => Array ( [category_id] => 633 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/633 [category] => CL-J [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => cl-j [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 619 ) [641] => Array ( [category_id] => 641 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/641 [category] => DARE TO [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => dare-to [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 ) [644] => Array ( [category_id] => 644 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/644 [category] => Deviate-Nitro-2 [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => deviate-nitro-2 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 2 ) [637] => Array ( [category_id] => 637 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/637 [category] => FENTY SEP 23 [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => fenty-sep-23 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 ) [676] => Array ( [category_id] => 676 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/676 [category] => Fittness [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => fittness [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 1084 ) [636] => Array ( [category_id] => 636 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/636 [category] => Foureira - 23 [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => foureira-23 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 5 ) [615] => Array ( [category_id] => 615 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/615 [category] => future-2023 [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => future-2023 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 27 ) [668] => Array ( [category_id] => 668 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/668 [category] => MAREXPO24 [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => marexpo24 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 1011 ) [621] => Array ( [category_id] => 621 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/621 [category] => MB 02 Whispers [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => mb-02-whispers [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 ) [639] => Array ( [category_id] => 639 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/639 [category] => MB03LAFRANCE [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => mb03lafrance [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 ) [645] => Array ( [category_id] => 645 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/645 [category] => MB03TOXIC [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => mb03toxic [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 1 ) [661] => Array ( [category_id] => 661 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/661 [category] => Nitro [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => nitro2024 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 119 ) [655] => Array ( [category_id] => 655 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/655 [category] => Running_Shoes [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => runningshoes [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 1724 ) [657] => Array ( [category_id] => 657 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/657 [category] => RUNNIT [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => runnit [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 6 ) [629] => Array ( [category_id] => 629 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/629 [category] => SNEAKERS [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => sneakers [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 650 ) [662] => Array ( [category_id] => 662 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/662 [category] => sneakers2025 [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => sneakes2024 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 3746 ) [672] => Array ( [category_id] => 672 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/672 [category] => SPEEDCAT [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => speedcat [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 45 ) [673] => Array ( [category_id] => 673 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/673 [category] => Squid [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => squid [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 49 ) [659] => Array ( [category_id] => 659 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/659 [category] => SUEDE XL [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => suede-xl [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 53 ) [650] => Array ( [category_id] => 650 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/650 [category] => T7 [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => t7 [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 26 ) [654] => Array ( [category_id] => 654 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/654 [category] => TS-Shorts [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => t-s [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 2256 ) [656] => Array ( [category_id] => 656 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/656 [category] => ULTRA [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => ultra [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 38 ) [571] => Array ( [category_id] => 571 [parent_id] => 573 [id_path] => 573/571 [category] => YOGA [position] => 65535 [status] => A [company_id] => 2 [storefront_id] => 2 [seo_name] => yoga [seo_path] => 573 [ab__lc_catalog_image_control] => none [ab__fn_category_status] => N [ab__fn_label_color] => #ffffff [ab__fn_label_background] => #222222 [ab__fn_use_origin_image] => N [ab__fn_label_text] => [ab__fn_label_show] => N [level] => 1 [product_count] => 72 ) ) ) 1
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